
Truth is, none of us have any idea what's going on here.

I'm Tom Lewin, and I've been fortunate enough to spend the last several years traversing the world, working as an editor and writer, where I've had the privilege of sharing many unforgettable, surreal experiences with people from vastly different cultures.

Odd Ends is the ongoing accumulation of my curiosity as I’ve encountered worlds within worlds over these wild years, from one seemingly absurd experience to the next.

My overwhelming conclusion is that we should form our own opinions of the world based on lived experience and intuition and discard anything that encourages divisions or half-baked, armchair insights on the complexities of human life.

Ultimately, after all our colourful projections onto the canvas of history, we haven’t the faintest clue about the truly meaningful aspects of life: love, birth, death, time, creativity, and consciousness.

A humbling thought.

OddEnds is a collection of articles, stories, insights and a bi-monthly newsletter from life on the road.

It is an invitation to suspend certainty.

Currently in Caracas, Venezuela.
Photo by: Maia Benaim