We Exist in Relationship
This living is a relationship.
We exist in relation to other nexus points.
An infinity of perspectives in a matrix
This Culture is Not Your Friend
Who were you before the world bent you into shape?
Before the nation armed you with its ideological compass and
Death in the Caucasus
We were sitting in the kitchen shooting whiskey while the rigor mortis claimed her body above us.
Tamaz drunkenly stumbled
Why Can't We Shake Religion?
Despite Nietzsche's frequently misunderstood and cheesified prediction, God isn't dead.
In fact, He's very
Death: the Healing Tonic
Our terror of death's endless.
Visit any public park, and you'll find no hint of death
Puglia: Un Posto Al Sole
Francesca wore more gold than Montezuma.
She'd swagger around her Puglian villa half-naked, drunkenly clutching 100 euro bottles
Rajasthani Afternoons
I met Anuj in an ashram cafeteria in Rishikesh.
He was holding court in an Adidas tracksuit, gathering followers as
I Choose
I choose to be my own wheel of life.
To radiate love in a world aching with suffering.
I choose
We're Starved for Connection
We're starved for real connection.
Starved for a connection with the mystery of life.
Where once there was
AWOL in Armenia
I was speeding through a blizzard in the Armenian highlands with a chain-smoking, one-handed taxi driver blasting Rabiz on his