The Crumbling West

Everywhere, in all directions, our Western social fabric is crumbling.
Undermined from within by millions of privileged ignorami wielding their fixed, half-baked summations about the reality of the world.
The ungrateful, belligerent offspring of the wealthiest, most abundant societies that have ever existed. These inheritors of freedoms unknown throughout the entirety of human history, handpicking ideologies into a mosaic of nitwit social doctrines designed to ensure and proclaim moral superiority.
These narcissistic fools who pick and choose their social justice battles regurgitated to them from the puppeteer media conglomerates, corporations, and governments on high spellbound by their hypocrisy.
The clownish mouthpieces of academic rhetoric departed from sincere debate, lost in a linguistic delirium and oblivious to life outside their carefully curated bubble. Sycophant corporations bending social ethics at the whims of the bottom line and politicians who advocate based on polls and are owned by a lattice of shady racketeers.
These underdeveloped, over-coddled brats do not dare venture to the countries they purport to so deeply understand and identify with, yet hide under the didactics of staged protests and social media cries. The keyboard warriors who don't dare to taste the nuance of the systems and events they propose to align with. The cowardly, hypercritical hall cries of phony, misguided narratives, carefully structured to avoid and minimize nuance, maximize social gratification, and protect them from the complexities of society.
Stunted human beings who've not tasted a fraction of the realities of war, oppression, and suffering, yet claim 'oppression' as if it was their birthright and brand others with phrases they dare utter from the comfort of their elite universities and privileged middle-class, Western lives.
The moral ether of Western Liberal democracy is withering away at the hands of a small minority of educated, pretentious twits.
Self-absorbed, vacuous people who are offended by offense. Distraught at the propensity of offending others in the name of truth. Bending reality to comfort their distorted worldviews and oblivious to the rights of others to retain their own.
A lattice of cushioned individuals who thrive on attention and virtue signaling. Who couldn't care less about the immeasurable injustices occurring globally in the name of numerous racial, religious, and political creeds yet choose to conveniently cherry-pick issues they vehemently protest.
How dare the inheritors of Western Liberal Democracies, the freest societies on earth, denigrate the entirety of Western Culture in the name of advocating for a set of naively concocted narratives about civilization and the human experience.
How can we let a rabble of innocuous pseudoempathetic citizens chip away at the foundations of our society? Lay waste to the immensity of our cultural achievements in their attempts to appease the "other."
Why is Western Society the only society on this planet that can no longer be proud of its achievements? The only society whose institutions must be destroyed without nuance in the name of "progress." Felled by an admission that it is solely responsible for the bloodshed and social evils of global history. The only society on earth that must be judged solely by its sins, immense as they certainly are.
We are passively permitting the undermining of our culture and values in the distorted pursuit of "equality" and "justice." A cultural whitewash of the foundational tenets of logic and the basic frameworks of democratic life.
We allow the entitled and the uninformed to pull the rug from under us, and we are fast approaching a precipice. The complete dismantlement of over 2000 years of Western thought and a dispelling of the warm breeze of reason.
While I openly despise many aspects of the modern, Western, neo-colonial, consumerist, military-industrial machine, I do advocate for a sincere, productive analysis of how we can collectively retain the baby and rid ourselves of the bathwater enveloping our culture.