We're Visitors Here

We're visitors here.
Guests passing through this flicker of experience between two unfathomable doors.
This should humble us. Inspire us. Birth unity, compassion, the freedom to dream the undreamable, think the unthinkable.
To explore this rich web of life together.
We should be elevated to take risks, to push ourselves unto the unknown.
The shocking brevity of life should unify us and remind us that nothing is absurd in a reality where we live and die on a spinning sphere of dirt in a potentially infinite cosmos.
Against the reality of cessation of being, of breath, what is race? Religion? Culture? What is fame? Fear? Isolation?
How petty are our contrived differences? How debased are our trivial conquests over others!
How can we lord our "truth" over others, when we each barely have even the slightest grasp of Time, Gravity, Light?
We are capable of birthing quantum physics, Omar Khyhamm's, Plato's, Maya Angelou's, yet we settle for the stale dogmas of a neurotic, disconnected culture. We settle for the manipulative systems concocted by the arrogant and the ignorant. The fear-based hoardings of a small minority of vacuous, self-serving sycophants.
We forget our power. Our divinity. We forget we are capable of such beauty and light. Such inquisitiveness. If this planet's greatest minds and most powerful people were unified for just ten years, our world would be Edenic.
Yet we defame our planet and each other as if we were not passing atoms.
As if our hubric desires won't seem painfully trivial when we greet the ferryman at the edge of the unknown shore, we all must traverse.
As if we weren't all the benefactors of reality so monumentally ineffable, we should bow in humility at its feet.
We forget we're just visitors here.