This Culture is Not Your Friend

Who were you before the world bent you into shape?
Before the nation armed you with its ideological compass and the priests fed you their speculative vomit.
Before the schools explained your history, a politic, and convinced you it was Truth.
Before the advertising gurus duped you into seeing only their shakily constructed paradigm of life to the detriment of other perspectives.
Can you remember life before religion, gender, ethnicity, and social roles?
Can you remember seeing the world without definitions?
Before you were categorised and encouraged to categorise others?
Before you were indoctrinated into a linguistic domain that neatly fits the prevailing paradigm?
Because language ensnares and liberates.
We have forgotten that we are Magik manifested. A synchronicity of mind and matter that can only be felt, not explained by the dogmas of a neurotic society.
We have let unconscious egomaniacs drag our liberties out while we were sleeping.
We are led by the least interesting among us.
The arrogant and the ignorant, those least worthy of power or subservience.
Because despite our democracy, Feudalism never vanished; it simply transmuted.
The power was transferred from the hands of the lords and barons to the banking and federal institutions. The military-industrial complex, the tech industry, the pharma giants.
The same thread runs through countless centuries.
The moneylenders, backed by flimsy legislation, are stained with the sleaze of vested interests in corrupting our planet for profit.
We vote for the puppets of mercantile conglomerates, not free-thinking human beings.
Our media is a shadowy, censored mouthpiece.
Look around you!
100 years after Tesla discovered quantum energy, everywhere people are still slaving for food and a roof over their heads.
What's changed?
Nicer food, nicer roofs.
Better, more distracting entertainment.
The bread: tastier. The circuses: unending.
Salaries and greater social mobility have replaced generational servitude and feudal grants to till the land.
But, Time = Life.
And our time is still bound to a subtle form of slavery: Debt.
If you cannot spend your time as you wish,
if you are bound by contractual agreements or the clearance of a superior
It's the same cage, cunningly decorated to disguise the ugly truth that the serfs are still forsaking time (the most tangible commodity we have) for money.
Everywhere, hypocrisy.
A technological, commercial oligarchy.
Sycophants, painting the streets with their hollow slogans and campaigns. A carefully calculated psychology to make you believe they actually care about the environment, about black lives, about gender revolutions.
Whatever movement the mob begins to esteem, our corporations quickly concoct a silky campaign around.
Yet, these are the very same corporations with lithium slave mines in Africa, sweatshops in Bangladesh, and human beings working for peanuts in crumbling Taiwanese factories using materials raped from the earth and stolen from the sacred lands of ancient, gentle, wise cultures.
And we are supposed to believe these pretty campaigns with a diverse model portfolio?
Even our advertising is an insult to our intelligence.
And these companies, these government-backed technocracies, can create AI and manufacture billion-dollar military fighter planes, yet they cannot feed the millions of people living in abject poverty.
Cannot, or will not?
Once, the zenith of our human brilliance designed temples, studied astronomy, conjured mathematics, and created aeonic ballads.
Now, our greatest minds are diverted into the arms of the tech giants.
This culture is not our friend.
It is the cumulative agreement of the masses. Our slaughtered impulses, as Miller said.
The aggregate of their fears, hopes, and ideals.
A collective sigh of submission to a minority of powerful thieves who rule our world.
It is the herd mentality.
Conditioning. A 'protective' veneer that robs its members of their birthright.
What government that's ever existed on this planet wanted to enlighten you?
Every government on the face of this earth is illegal.
The power has been taken; we've just forgotten how, when, and where.
Somewhere in the recesses of our collective past, we forfeited our sensitivity, our courage, our sense.
We have forgotten our power. Our magnificence. The sacredness in our humanity.
Forgotten that we each have latent potential to manifest extraordinary power.
This culture has been designed by clever, ego-driven cowards to make you feel inferior.
This culture is not your friend.